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Destiny 2 Clans
Below is a comprehensive List of all our Destiny 2 Clans for Each Platform. Please pick One Below to Join. Once you Pick a clan send an Invite request, then join the appropriate Discord.
Click here to join our Discord!
Once this portion is complete you have to navigate our welcome channel and send a message in #ClanApprovalWaitlist for final acceptance. Here is a video to help!!
Destiny 2 - PC
NA Division
Shrouded Souls
Shrouded Apex
Shrouded Degenerates
Shrouded Guardians
Shrouded Reaper
Shrouded Squeakers
Shrouded Pheonix
Shrouded VII
Shrouded Wraiths
EU Division
Destiny 2 - PSN Division
Destiny 2 - XBOX Division
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