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SGC Guardian Games

Updated: Apr 20, 2021

Welcome to the first Annual SGC Guardian Games!!! This year we will be hosting 2 separate events taking place!!

First Event Will focus on Grouping up with your Class of Choice, completing activities, and submitting screenshots. Much like Clan wars, we will calculate the points and update leaderboards every day. So here is how it will work.

  1. First, you will go to the #guardian-games-role-assign channel and claim the role of your main class. This will give you a role and change your color of name in discord for the duration of the guardian games.

  2. Group up with your main class & do guardian games events and activities & submit the screenshots (All 3 members visible in the Screenshot, Must be SGC members) to the #guardian-games-screenshots channel on discord.

  3. Scoring will begin on 4.21.2021, giving us 1 day to figure out GG activities and assign points to them.

  4. Leaderboards will be updated daily and announced for who is winning.


1. Any 3 Man activity is worth 1 Point - All SGC Members, all the same class.

2. Any 6 Man activity is worth 2 points - All SGC Members, all the same class.

3. Any Guardian Games Class playlist completion - 2 points. All SGC Members, all the same class.

4. Medal Case Completion - 15 Points - Screenshot of full case & screenshot of your empty case after submission.

5. Tweeting Screenshots to @shrouded_gaming with #SGCGuardianGames & #AreYouShrouded will earn your class an additional point for your class You can only submit shots for your main class. Anyone with more than one class selected will have their points voided (AKA they will not count).

Rewards for winning.

  1. The winning class will get to keep the color their role gives them for the next year.

  2. Their role will be converted "Class, Winner of the SGC Guardian Games 2021"

Our Second Event Will Take Place over 2 weekends over the Guardian Games May 1st & 2nd - May 8th & 9th. This will consist of multiple events taking place over multiple days, awarding points to the winners of each event. When said events are finished 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be awarded winners and be part of a special ceremony in the tower to celebrate their win!!

Events will include.

  1. Wet Noodle Fight (Rumble - Swords only - No exotics - No abilities - No Ammo)

  2. Chaos (Mayhem - No Guns or Exotics.)

  3. Sparrow Race in (Prophecy - Or - DSC.)

  4. TBD

Rewards for winning.

  1. Each winner will receive a discord role indicating they have won the guardian games.

  2. Bungie Rewards Guardian Games Track Jacket (Just Pay Shipping)

  3. Bungie Rewards Guardian Games Hunter/Titan/Warlock Pin (Just Pay Shipping)

Sign up for the Guardian Games Events Here!!

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