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Updated: Feb 1
SGC Weekly: Iron Banner Continues, SGC Dawning Bingo, and SGC Player of the Week Champions!
SGC Weekly: Iron Banner Returns, Revenant Act II, and CPOTW Deskpad Winner!
SGC Weekly: Revenant Act 2, Street Fighter Collab, and Chill Facilitator Event!
Great job everybody. Let's go Spartans!
Great job Bastion keep up the good work.
SIVA has been engulfed in flames, now RISE springs forth from the ashes.
Hi SGC .😎
Absolutely loving the blog posts lately. Gives someone busy plenty of time to check everything out for the week.
Great job everybody. Let's go Spartans!
Great job Bastion keep up the good work.
SIVA has been engulfed in flames, now RISE springs forth from the ashes.
Hi SGC .😎
Absolutely loving the blog posts lately. Gives someone busy plenty of time to check everything out for the week.