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Shrouded Gaming's Players of the Year 2022!

Writer's picture: VyxVyx

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

A lot can happen in a year, memories being made, new clans forming, new members joining, and even some rising underdogs! We've tallied our numbers and had some awesome titles to give out last night at We are so proud of everyone involved and gave out a ton of rewards! If you couldn't make it to the stream, don't fret! We'll be going over all the winners and why they got the awards! Let's get into it! Starting with...


Destiny Awards Destiny 2 Player of the Year - DEVL | Slender644 Now this guy knows how to Destiny! Slender is always online and ready to run some Destiny with his clanmates! Keep it going Slender! Destiny 2 Clan of the Year - Shrouded Anarchy I may be a bit biased as this is my clan, but I just need to say HELL YEAH ANARCHY! We play Destiny together 24/7 (other games too!) and are quite proud of this accomplishment! We'll be trying our best to win again next year! (Good luck everyone else ;D) Admin That Played the Least Amount Of Destiny - VII | Lavender 💜 This fellow seems to have forgotten we're a Destiny community! For real though, he's gotten busy with college and we all hope it's going well for him. 💞


Discord Awards Discord Text User of the Year - SGC | Mr GoodSaint What can be said? Goodsaint loves to talk and loves his community! Whether he's chatting it up with clanmates or talking kinks in gen chat, chances are you'll have a good laugh with him around! Discord Voice User of the Year - STRM | 🦈MacTavishXx(CultLeader)🦈 Whether Mac is playing Destiny, working from home, or snorting heroin, you can always find him in his clans VC hanging out! He is the definition of active! Most Annoying Discord User of the Year - SGC | Mister Wrecked Whether it's being everyone's favorite Role Abusing Pussy, or the servers PING LORD, we award Wrecked with this great title! Enjoy it Wrecked, we will be teasing you about it! (Out of love of course). Discord Text Clan of the Year - Shrouded Wardens Whether WARD members are chatting on a casual Tuesday, spamming CATRAVE or bringin out the booze, they love to talk! Discord Voice Clan of the Year - Shrouded Storm We all know this was achieved in huge part thanks to Mac! I can't tell you what they do all day, but it's probably some form of playing games and/or listening to Mac snore!


Community Awards Community Player of the Year - SGC | Hoppefalcon Hoppe can always be found with other members of the community, whether he's just hanging out, or running activities in Destiny, he definetly deserves this title! Community Leader of the Year - SGC | Hoppefalcon Once again has Hoppe proven to be one of the greatest community members as he leads the way for more people to engage and enjoy our awesome community! Community Clan of the Year - Shrouded Void These guys not only love playing with their fellow clanmates, but they also love playing with members from different Shrouded clans! (We are a mega-clan after all!) Void absolutely destroyed the finish line this year as they had a blazing 12000+ community points! Community Engagement Award - VOID | RachelHP3987 If anyone loves her community, it's Rachel! She loves to help and is an absolute unit when it comes to engagement. We appreciate you Rachel, keep being amazing!


• User Awards SGC Member of the Year - FURY | Insane Insane is not only active within his own clan, but also outside of it. He engages often, and never lets anything other than his positive side show. For that, he deserves to be crowned member of the year! Staff Member(s) of the Year - SGC | Saddistic Demon & FURY | Xiamara There's no way we could pick just one winner when these two are around! Whether its covering for other staff or doing their own job better than ever, these two deserve this award more than anyone. All staff should try and be a little bit more like them! Unsung Hero Award - FURY | Xiamara Xia is always around, doing things in the background that no-one sees... (until now!) Xia, we see what you do for us and we thank you once more for being an amazing human being and doing extra things that help better our community! Strongest Back Award - ANRC | Vyx I love to raid, and I love my clan members! I encourge everyone to get out there, learn endgame activities, and get that loot! Unfortunately, not everyone is okay with taking a noobie- And that's where I come in! I am always happy to take someone new on an adventure into a new activity. If my members need help with something, they always know they can count on me, and that's what keeps me going! Most helpful member of the Year - OMEN | Phimshh Phimshh is one of our local raid sherpas, but not all of them can be as great as Phimshh! Quality over quantity will always be better, but you know what's better than that? Being both!


• Extra Clan Awards Most Clan Drama of the Year - Shrouded Anarchy In Anarchy we like to live on the edge, meaning we like to show lots of tough love, banter, and tease our friends! Any rotten eggs that are actually rude either gets TOLD or gets yeeted out no warning! Best Clan Turnaround - Shrouded Wraiths Wraiths went from a sleeping- *dead* giant, to an absolute underdog when their new admin WRTH | Yakob took over. They went from being a molehill to a mountain; and it sure was impressive! We hope to see more of this competitive spirit from our amazing Wraiths!


• Shrouded Gaming Achievements Most Significant Server Event of the Year - Nov' 2022 Server Merge The SGC has had two different discord servers, SGC PC, and SGC Console. There had to be separate announcements, separate LFGs, separate STAFF and there's even more than just that. But with Destiny now having crossplay, there was no reason not to have everyone in one big server together, The SGC's high staff all worked together to carry out one of the SGC's biggest accomplishments- moving everything from console to what is now the single, Shrouded Gaming Community. Biggest SGC Accomplishment of the Year - $6,000 Raised for Extra Life The SGC was proud to once again be a part of a program that benefits Children's Miracle Network Hospitals! We collected donations until November 2022, and our goal was to raise $3,000 for this amazing foundation... We raised over double that at $6,000+. Thank you to everyone who donated, no matter if it was $5 or $500, thank you for saving and changing these children's lives!


• Twitch Awards Most Gifted Subs - OMEN | bluesguy1105 This man has donated HUNDREDS maybe even thousands of gifts subs on our community, and quite frankly, I'm not he's even real! IS HE MADE OF MONEY? Most Sound Alerts - VOID | TheBiggSexy Someone sure does like dropping screamers... That and Vodka catastrophe. Gotta keep AGreeNer on his toes am I right?? Donation Assholes of the Year - WARD | Asylum Siren & SGC | Mr GoodSaint If there's anything this couple loves more than each-other, it's depositing their savings account into Shrouded's Twitch donation box. In all seriousness, without big donators like these two, we wouldn't be able to give away so much to the community! Stream Loyalty Award - VOID | RachelHP3987 You can almost always find Rachel active on Shrouded streams, whether we're watching AGreeNer die inside from chugging milk and vodka, or we're just doing a casual community stream, Rachel is always there. If not just watching, you'll also see her doing mod work, make sure you tell her about how great she's doing! Most Used Emote in Chat - RIGGED How many more times is SGC | Mister Wrecked going to win Lightfall or a Physical item giveaways!? This shit is most definitely RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED! Most Used Sound Alert - Vodka Catastrophe DEAR GOD PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!


We had some nice attendance numbers on the POTY stream so I'm gonna drop those as well. These numbers correspond to how many members of Shrouded put their clan tag in the twitch

chat during the stream!



NA Division

Anarchy : 24

Catastrophe : 1

Degenerates : 5

Guardians : 1

IX : 1

Perfected : 1

Reaper : 5

Souls : 11

VII : 0

Wraiths : 1

Xbox Division

Dawn : 7

Omens : 8

Void : 21

Wardens : 12

Wolves : 5

EU Division

Disciples : 3

Fury : 8

Outlaws : 3

Storm : 5

PSN Division

Devils : 4

Knights : 16

Legion : 5

Sentinels : 1

Spartans : 1

You can help track attendance for you clan by putting your clan tag in the twitch chat of the stream! Example: #ANRC | #FURY | #VOID | #KOTR


Now that should be everything... Congratulations to everyone who made it onto this list! We wouldn't be the great community we are without our best members. For those that didn't quite make it, keep trying! Maybe next year you'll see your own name up here! If you liked this post make sure to give it a heart and share! TY!

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