Hello Shrouded Gaming!!
On Saturday, 2.5.22, Greener hosted the SGC Player of the month Stream and it was a spectacular stream! There was a phenomenal turn out. We had so much fun, so many sub giveaways, and engagement from the community.
As always, this was a fun stream full of steam game giveaways, Witch Queen giveaways, and loyalty points! We also did our first Silver drawing for the Player of the Week winners and Honorable Mentions! If you weren't able to join us, click here to check out the stream.
Don't have time to revisit the Stream, no worries. I have a list of highlights here for you!
1. Player of the Week 12,000 Silver ($100) Winner - ORION
2. Player of the Week Honorable Mention 6,000 Silver ($50) Winner - Reflex
1. SGC Staff Member of the Month - Texan Hitman
2. Most Helpful Member of the Community - Gifted Feather
3. SGC Community Engagement Award - Star Slasher
4. SGC Member of the Month - ChaosicKnight
5. SGC Rookie of the Month - Arwendolyn
Big congratulations to all the winners! In addition to the Discord Title Role they will receive their choice of:
Gamer Tag Branded SGC T-Shirt | 2,300 Silver in D2 |
100,000 Loyalty Points |
If you haven’t already, get in touch with Greener via DM so you can pick out your prize!!
Congratulations to all the nominees as well! It is a special thing to be nominated and have Greener read it out on the stream.
Have someone you want to nominate for the next POTM stream? Please do so here! You can now earn Clan War points for each legitimate nomination. See more about that here.
Additional Winners this month include:
Discord Users of the Month - Hi Am MacTavishXx (23K) & Mr GoodSaint (7K)
Discord Clan of the Month (Voice) - Shrouded Storm (111K)
Discord Clan of the Month (Text) - Shrouded Wardens (22K)
Sherpa of the Month - Sir_Toombs with 19 Sherpa raid clears
Destiny 2 Clan of the Month - Shrouded Spartans
Not only have all these players earned some serious bragging rights, the Discord Users of the Month and Sherpa of the Month earn Discord titles AND if they are on during the stream these 2 players also receive Loyalty Points! And members of the Destiny 2 Clan of the Month get 25K Loyalty Points! So, if your clan wins drop that #clan in chat and collect those riches.
Congratulations to everyone involved!! You are all amazing!
***Things to look forward to in February***
Tune into the SGC Twitch Stream for the Loyalty Points Giveaway (date: TBD). February Loyalty Point Giveaway: $300 SGC Store Credit, $300 Bungie Store Credit, 36,000 Silver, Oculus Quest 2 - 64 GB, XBox Series S, or a Nintendo Switch! Winners choice. Read more about these here.
Sub Goal: 135/150
Bit Goal: 100% for Female Anime Cosplay Catastrophe Steam!!!!!! Will be held once the costumes have been selected and acquired. ~~~Yeah! Looking forward to this!~~~
Sign up here for Crimson Days 2022. Enter the Crucible shoulder to shoulder with your best battle buddy and revel in the glory of 2v2 player versus player combat. Starting at 1:00pm EST on Saturday, February 19th.
I hope to see all of you on our Twitch channel here. Follow for notifications when we go Live!!
Join us and enter the Witch Queen giveaway!
The next lucky one may be YOU!

I really look forward to seeing everyone at our next stream! You guys make this community great! Thank you!